
Blob of contradictions

Articles tagged with planet drupal

Optimizing your site - modules gone wild.


While working on the one of the more content-heavy websites at my workplace (over 100k nodes consisting of galleries of photos, with some galleries having well over 2000 photos), I had noticed that wh...

Using the JQuery UI Date Picker for event navigation


For a site I am currently creating in Drupal 7, I have a bunch of events and I need to show a view of the content in a non-traditional calendar way (Listing of events for a week, a pager to go back an...

Migrating Content Part 2: Nodes


(Updated November 10, 2011 - Updated information about file actions. Thank you Patrick Thurmond!)
(Updated June 4, 2011 - File Handler Compatibility with Migrate 2.1)
(Updated June 8, 2011 - Image to ...

Migrating Content Part 1: Users


Last week, I posted about performing a content/user migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 using the migrate module (instead of going via the upgrade route or the 'use the interns at work and make them u...

Migrating content by using the migrate module.


Over the past 2 weeks, I have been working on a project whereby the site owners wanted to update the look and feel of their site (along with adding a slew of new features in there - I will be posting ...